The Stakes Are High in Any Massachusetts OUI Case

There's No Substitution For Experience

The act of being arrested is both physically and mentally jarring. Typically, you will have handcuffs cinched painfully onto your wrists, and you will be forcefully photographed and fingerprinted. You may be placed in a cold jail cell and forced to use bathroom facilities with little privacy. When placed in these conditions many defendants wrongly believe that confessing crimes or admitting responsibility will shorten their stay in jail or improve their situations.

If you have been charged with a crime, you need to know that your arrest does not automatically mean that you will be convicted. You do have other options besides pleading guilty to lesser charges. In fact, offering police admissions of your guilt may greatly enhance the chances that the prosecution will succeed in proving their case against you.

The consequences of an operating under the influence of alcohol conviction in Massachusetts are severe. For example, if you are under the age of 21 and you refuse to consent to a chemical test, you could lose your license for up to six months. If you refuse a test after having an accident that resulted in serious bodily injury, you could lose your license for a decade.

Fortunately, you have the right to retain legal counsel to represent you through each phase of the criminal process following your arrest. Your attorney can challenge the legitimacy of your initial stop, any roadside tests to determine your sobriety and any chemical testing done to determine your blood alcohol concentration levels.

Like any endeavor, a good criminal defense relies on knowledge and experience. The principal attorney at our law firm is a former prosecutor. Based in North Attleboro, our law office provides experienced legal representation for clients facing OUI charges in Bristol County and throughout Massachusetts. There is no fee for an initial consultation about your case.