Is It Illegal to Carry Ninja Throwing Stars in Massachusetts?

There's No Substitution For Experience

Are Throwing Stars Illegal?

Massachusetts has adopted a tough stance against carrying dangerous weapons. Massachusetts lawmakers have taken the unique position of specifying every kind of weapon banned throughout the Commonwealth. Section 10(6)(b) of the Massachusetts General Laws reads more like a list of props in a Hollywood action movie than items that residents are banned from carrying.

Under Section 10(6)(b) of the Massachusetts General Laws, many dangerous weapons such as switchblades, kung-fu sticks, metal knuckles, blowguns, blackjacks, and even ninja throwing stars are prohibited. If convicted of carrying a dangerous weapon, you could face imprisonment of six months.

The law is so specific at times that it seems absurd. For example, the restrictions against carrying a knife of any kind are restricted to a blade length of just one and a half inches.

Even exotic items such as nunchucks, zoobow, manrikigusari, and klackers are prohibited by the statute. It is also against the law for any citizen to carry an armband made with leather that has metallic spikes.

What are the Penalties for Carrying a Dangerous Weapon? 

If convicted of carrying a dangerous weapon, you could face imprisonment of not less than six months and not more than 2.5 years in jail. However, a court is permitted to review your criminal record and may choose to punish you with a fine of not more than $50 or sentence you to a stretch in jail that cannot exceed 2.5 years.

Start Your Defense Today 

Your Massachusetts criminal defense attorney can assist you in evaluating the strength of the prosecution's case against you. Depending on the circumstances of your case, it may be possible to get your charges reduced or dismissed.

Source: General Law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, "Section 10 Carrying dangerous weapons;" accessed Jan. 25, 2015

Have you been charged for carrying a dangerous weapon in Massachusetts? Call Brian D. Roman, Attorney at Law, today at (508) 576-5922 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our criminal defense attorney in Attleboro!